; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2023 Open Source Matters, Inc. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_NEW_TITLE="Select the 'New' button" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_NEW_DESCRIPTION="Select 'New' to create a new tour." COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_TITLE_TITLE="Add a title for the tour" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_TITLE_DESCRIPTION="Enter a required title for the tour." COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_CONTENT_TITLE="Add content" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION="Enter content describing the tour." COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_COMPONENT_TITLE="Select a component" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION="Select the extension(s) where you want to show your tour in priority in the list of possible tours to run. For instance, If you are creating a tour for the 'Users' extension, then select 'Users'. Select 'All' for the tour to appear on every page." COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_URL_TITLE="Add a URL" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_URL_DESCRIPTION="Add the relative URL of the page where the tour must start. For instance, enter administrator/index.php?option=com_users&view=users to start the tour in the Users page." COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_SAVECLOSE_TITLE="Select 'Save and Close'" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_SAVECLOSE_DESCRIPTION="Save and close the tour." COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_CONGRATULATIONS_TITLE="Congratulations!" COM_GUIDEDTOURS_TOUR_GUIDEDTOURS_STEP_CONGRATULATIONS_DESCRIPTION="You have created a guided tour. You now have to create steps for the tour."