; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2010 Open Source Matters, Inc. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA="Content - Joomla" PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_FIELD_CHECK_CATEGORIES_DESC="Check that categories are fully empty before they are deleted." PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_FIELD_CHECK_CATEGORIES_LABEL="Check Category Deletion" PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_FIELD_EMAIL_NEW_FE_DESC="Email users if 'Send email' is on when there is a new article submitted via the Frontend." PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_FIELD_EMAIL_NEW_FE_LABEL="Email on New Site Article" PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_SCHEMA_CONTACT_DESC="When active, generate contact rich snippets from the default data" PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_SCHEMA_CONTACT_LABEL="Contact Schema" PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_SCHEMA_CONTENT_DESC="When active, generate content rich snippets from the default data" PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_SCHEMA_CONTENT_LABEL="Content Schema" PLG_CONTENT_JOOMLA_XML_DESCRIPTION="This plugin does category processing for core extensions; sends an email when new article is submitted in the Frontend or a transition is executed."