; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2022 Open Source Matters, Inc. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY="Multi-factor Authentication - YubiKey" PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_CAPTIVE_PROMPT="Please click in the text box below. Then insert your YubiKey into the USB port of your device and touch its golden disk or golden pad (depending on your model) to make it produce a YubiKey code. If you are on an NFC-capable phone or tablet with an NFC-enabled YubiKey you need to instead approach your YubiKey to the NFC reader area of your phone or tablet." PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_CODE_LABEL="YubiKey code" PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_ERR_VALIDATIONFAILED="You did not enter a valid YubiKey secret code or the YubiCloud servers are unreachable at this time." PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_LBL_AFTERSETUP_INSTRUCTIONS="You have already set up your YubiKey (the one generating codes starting with %s). You can only change its title from this page." PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_LBL_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS="Please provide a code generated by your YubiKey below and then click or touch the Confirm button. The first twelve characters, which are the unique identification code for your YubiKey, will be saved." PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_LBL_SETUP_LABEL="YubiKey Identification" PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_LBL_SETUP_PLACEHOLDER="Enter a YubiKey code" PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_METHOD_TITLE="YubiKey" PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_SHORTINFO="Use YubiKey secure hardware tokens." PLG_MULTIFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_XML_DESCRIPTION="Allows users on your site to use Multi-factor Authentication using a YubiKey secure hardware token. Users need their own YubiKey available from www.yubico.com. To use Multi-factor Authentication users have to edit their user profile and enable Multi-factor Authentication."