; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2023 Open Source Matters, Inc. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT="Task - Privacy Consents" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_CONSENTEXPIRATIONDAYS_DESC="Number of days after which the privacy consent shall expire." PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_CONSENTEXPIRATIONDAYS_LABEL="Expiration" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_INVALIDATE_TITLE="Expiration of privacy consents" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_INVALIDATE_DESC="Manage the expiration of privacy consents" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_EMAIL_REMIND_BODY="Your Privacy Consent given at {URL} will expire in few days, you can renew the privacy consent for this website.\n\nIn order to do this, you can complete one of the following tasks:\n\n1. Visit the following URL: {TOKENURL}\n\n2. Copy your token from this email, visit the referenced URL, and paste your token into the form.\nURL: {FORMURL}\nToken: {TOKEN}\n\nPlease note that this token is only valid for this account." PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_EMAIL_REMIND_SUBJECT="Privacy Consent at {SITENAME}" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_MAIL_REQUEST_REMINDER_DESC="Reminder to renew the privacy consent for this website." PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_MAIL_REQUEST_REMINDER_TITLE="Task - Privacy Consent: Renew Consent" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_NOTIFICATION_USER_PRIVACY_EXPIRED_MESSAGE="Privacy consent has expired for %1$s." PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_NOTIFICATION_USER_PRIVACY_EXPIRED_SUBJECT="Privacy Consent Expired" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_REMINDBEFORE_DESC="Number of days to send a reminder before the expiration of the privacy consent." PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_REMINDBEFORE_LABEL="Remind" PLG_TASK_PRIVACYCONSENT_XML_DESCRIPTION="Task for remind expired consents and delete expired consents"