; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_USER_TERMS="User - Terms and Conditions" PLG_USER_TERMS_FIELD_ARTICLE_DESC="Select the article from the list or create a new one." PLG_USER_TERMS_FIELD_ARTICLE_LABEL="Terms & Conditions Article" PLG_USER_TERMS_FIELD_ERROR="Agreement to the site's Terms & Conditions is required." PLG_USER_TERMS_FIELD_LABEL="Terms & Conditions" PLG_USER_TERMS_LABEL="Terms & Conditions" PLG_USER_TERMS_LOGGING_CONSENT_TO_TERMS="User {username} consented to the terms and conditions during registration." PLG_USER_TERMS_NOTE_FIELD_DEFAULT="By signing up to this website you accept the Terms & Conditions." PLG_USER_TERMS_NOTE_FIELD_DESC="A summary of the site's terms & conditions. If left blank then the default message will be used." PLG_USER_TERMS_NOTE_FIELD_LABEL="Short Terms & Conditions" PLG_USER_TERMS_OPTION_AGREE="I agree" PLG_USER_TERMS_OPTION_DO_NOT_AGREE="I do not agree" PLG_USER_TERMS_SUBJECT="Privacy Policy" PLG_USER_TERMS_XML_DESCRIPTION="Basic plugin to request user's consent to the site's terms and conditions."