; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2020 Open Source Matters, Inc. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_WORKFLOW_BASIC_STAGE="Basic Stage" COM_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_FIELDSET_LABEL="Notification" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION="Workflow - Notification" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_ADDTEXT="The stage has changed" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_ADDTEXT_DESC="This text will be sent: Title [title], changed by [user], new state: [state]. You can add your own text to this message and you can localise the text by using a language key and creating a language override." PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_ADDTEXT_LABEL="Additional Message Text" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_ON_TRANSITION_MSG="Title: %1$s. Transition \"%2$s\" performed by %3$s. New state: %4$s." PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_ON_TRANSITION_SUBJECT="The status of \"%s\" has been changed" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_NO_RECEIVER="No notifications sent as there are no users to send this message to." PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_NO_TITLE="Unknown title" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVERS_LABEL="Users" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_SENDMAIL_LABEL="Send Notification" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_SENT="Notifications sent" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_USERGROUP_DESC="The users in this usergroup get a notification if this transition has been performed." PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_USERGROUP_LABEL="Usergroups" PLG_WORKFLOW_NOTIFICATION_XML_DESCRIPTION="Send notification if a transition has been performed in a workflow."