; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2020 Open Source Matters, Inc. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_WORKFLOW_PUBLISHING="Workflow - Publishing" PLG_WORKFLOW_PUBLISHING_CHANGE_STATE_NOT_ALLOWED="You're not allowed to change the publishing state of this item. Please use a workflow transition." PLG_WORKFLOW_PUBLISHING_PUBLISHED="Status: %s" PLG_WORKFLOW_PUBLISHING_TRANSITION_ACTIONS_PUBLISHING_DESC="Define the state an item should be set, when executing this transition." PLG_WORKFLOW_PUBLISHING_TRANSITION_ACTIONS_PUBLISHING_DO_NO_CHANGE="- Do not change -" PLG_WORKFLOW_PUBLISHING_TRANSITION_ACTIONS_PUBLISHING_LABEL="Publishing State" PLG_WORKFLOW_PUBLISHING_XML_DESCRIPTION="Add publishing actions to the workflow transitions for your items."